lørdag den 21. juli 2012

Lady Million

A gift to my girlfriend from her father. He was in Spain to work, and bought some gifts to his family

tirsdag den 17. juli 2012

You got the key to my heart

The next couple of days I wont be able to upload photos, bacause I'm going on a little "vacation" with my girlfriend. So, when I'm home again, Friday, I will upload 3 pictures.

I hope you don't die :)


fredag den 13. juli 2012

Snow white

I actually don't really know what I think about this picture.. what you do think? I would really love feedback!

mandag den 9. juli 2012

Sticks 'n stones may break my bones

It's true.. and the ability to just close your ears and choose what to hear, is pretty useful sometimes!

søndag den 1. juli 2012