mandag den 6. august 2012

The announcement

Yea.. so sorry for being so extremely inactive! I am really busy atm, and sadley scared that it'll get even worse when school starts again.
Anyway, I've made a Facebook fanpage if you didn't knew, and I would be happy if you would like the site!

lørdag den 21. juli 2012

Lady Million

A gift to my girlfriend from her father. He was in Spain to work, and bought some gifts to his family

tirsdag den 17. juli 2012

You got the key to my heart

The next couple of days I wont be able to upload photos, bacause I'm going on a little "vacation" with my girlfriend. So, when I'm home again, Friday, I will upload 3 pictures.

I hope you don't die :)


fredag den 13. juli 2012

Snow white

I actually don't really know what I think about this picture.. what you do think? I would really love feedback!

mandag den 9. juli 2012

Sticks 'n stones may break my bones

It's true.. and the ability to just close your ears and choose what to hear, is pretty useful sometimes!

søndag den 1. juli 2012

fredag den 29. juni 2012


Just thouht I would make an update.. At the moment I am at my girlfriends house, just messing around, while she's doing some acting stuff. I took these photos yesterday at a parking lot.

They have all been through Adobe Lightroom 4, for some colourgrading - aaaand, to be better I would be happy for some feedback, on my colour correction, so leave a comment below!

onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Photos of me

Just some pictures of myself from a small photoshoot.
  I'm at the moment celebrating my B+ grade in my danish exam. And I'm pretty happy with that grade, even though I didn't get A because I was pretty nervous and I didn't really prepare, so.. yea. I'm happy.
And that exam was my last, so my summer holiday has already begun, and I love that!
Also this monday I'm probably going to a danish city called "Svenborg" with my class, for some go-cart racing, lazerzone (I love that!), bowling and buffet-eating. 

To those of you who wonders what I look like.

If you follow me other places, you might have noticed that I'm atm. are using some om these pictures as profile pictures. I think they are pretty cool!

So, let me know what you think about the colour correction, and also what you have been up to lately!


tirsdag den 12. juni 2012

Converse - With my new 50mm f/1.8

Just got this Canon 50mm f/1.8.. aka "the nifty fifty" or "the plastic fantastic"

It's an amazing lens, and it's very cheap. The buildquality isn't that good, it's all made of plastic, and it feels like a toy. But! Like with humans.. don't jugde by the outside. It's what inside that really matters.
And.. the buildquality isn't a problem for me, because I take care of my photo equipment like was it my babies.

I've only used it for a couple of hours, but I'm definitely already in love with it.
And I hope that you like my "converse photoshoot"

tirsdag den 5. juni 2012


I'm spending the most of my time atm. working og my exams, but I needed a break, and went outside with my camera.

tirsdag den 22. maj 2012

mandag den 21. maj 2012

onsdag den 9. maj 2012


As I wrote in the description: It was raining.. I grabbed my Canon and an umbrelly and went outside, shooting some footage in this beautiful rain. I hope you like the video.

mandag den 16. april 2012

Just a walk

You may know my name, but you don't know my pain..
I can't stand the light, I'm from the dark side..

Miss ya.. Peace.